
Glad for the practical wisdom

I am humbled and so glad I discovered you guys.  We have been to 7 homeschool conferences/conventions last year to 'gear' up for what is ahead of us (my husband and I) and I still feel ill equipped.  We have two "wild boys" - 6 and 8 y/o.  I have not heard from anyone what I have heard from Renee.  She is such a wonderful communicator. (Diana, in Florida; used to be an elementary school teacher before acquiring a law degree)

Resonating with your materials

I love all your material. Just getting ready to place another big order. The only books I go back to time and again. Thank you for all your efforts to guide women in today's times. I am not a Christian but I resonate so much with your message. God bless you and your family. (Monica, in San Antonio)


Quick success with Fast Phonics

I just restarted my youngest two on Fast Phonics after having them struggle with reading using different programs. After just one day, they are no longer confusing their b’s and d’s!! Incredible. And, they think the program is FUN!! Thank you for creating this wonderful and effective program!  (Susan)

Wise Womanly Ways is a five-star marriage book for wives

I LOVE the book.  It is a beautiful, truthful, honest book that has 100% affected the way I love my husband, the way I treat him, the way I pray for him—everything.  I have recommended it to all my newlywed (and not) friends.  I have underlined almost every line in it.  I think it is relevant and funny and super helpful at the same time.  It is one of my most treasured possessions.  (Lily Jordan, in New Mexico)

and this, from Jan in Fort Worth, Texas:

Thanks for my order. Everything looks great, and the woman’s book on marriage is one of the very best marriage books I have ever read, and I have read quite a few! 

Razor Sharp Teaching Tips is a magnificent mothers’ mini course

I finished Razor Tips! Excellent! 45 years of teaching wisdom, digestible in 4.5 hours @ 14.5 pages a day (glancing at the graphics for instant recall). This should be taught as a Magnificent Mothers’ Mini Course! I plan to use it when asked to speak or give an intro to home schooling. It’s a course in pedagogy for youth and adults to train to teach Sunday school or help with home schooling!  (Polly, in Minnesota)

Great progress using Fast Phonics

Great news, the Fast Phonics is working so well. More progress in one week than we have made is six months using traditional flash cards, I can’t believe how effective the pictures in the letter is compared to picture beside the letter!  Many thanks.  (Grace, in New Zealand)


A Titus 2 woman for me

I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of your teaching at the CHEC conference last weekend.  For so long, I have been yearning to hear teaching that was Biblical, convicting, and practical. I was craving a Titus 2 woman: someone who has done this and done it well, who could challenge and equip me with some necessary tools. 

Most of what I’ve heard is that homeschooling is really hard and messy; that I should teach my children just what they want to learn and let go of good homemaking, so I can attend to my children.  That did not sit well with me,  but I didn’t have a wise woman to show me how.

This is where you have been such a huge blessing.  Thank you for rising up and teaching what God has so evidently trained you for.  I went to almost all of your sessions at the conference and bought many of your pamphlets and books.  Just in the past week, as I’ve been implementing small things, I have found that I don’t resent teaching my children as much, I have more energy, and a grateful heart toward the charge God has given me.  I have many more strategies from you that I cannot wait to employ!  (Amanda, in Colorado)

Love your YouTube videos!

I watched your YouTube video about how to Teach Phonics Faster —and your other YouTubes. I’ve never found more concise, helpful, and hope-filled videos with immediate & inexpensive application. Infused in all of them is a love of home & family. You opened a corner of your own home to us; I noticed even the books & teapot and your radiant face & beautiful clothes. Inspires us to raise the bar toward more godliness & less worldliness.  (Mrs. F., in Lafayette, Colorado)

We are now 100% debt free

For many years I have been singing the praises of your cds and booklets.  Thank you for ALL your help over these past 10 years.  I played your $ cds over and over and we are now 100% debt free.  You have blessed me tremendously.  Thanks again.  (Janine Sevy)

The Gospel in Colors (free booklet with order)

Love the little Gospel in Colors book.  I read it to my daughter 3 times tonight before she went to bed. Great and powerful book!  (Clint, in Texas)

Thanks for the life changing input from Renee

I really am blessed by Renee’s material.  Praise God He led me to her.  I prayed to God He would lead me to the right speaker at the Arlington TX homeschool book fair.  I grew up in a secular home and no Christians anywhere that I knew of.  My mom raised me to go to public school and frowns upon me homeschooling.  I know it is what God is leading me to do.  Renee’s book Motherhood Savvy has been life changing and will bless my children. Thank you all for leading me in the right direction at your booth.  My prayer is that God will bless Renee’s ministry.  (Kelly, in Texas)

A customer in New Zealand is finding great help from the Kindle books

You are a special special person who has a wonderfully clear vision about how to get the best from a child and how to be.  I do so wish I could print out your Kindle books, enlarge them and hang them around my home to help me remember how I OUGHT to behave and what I OUGHT to be saying.  Thanks to Renee for all her good advice regarding getting my 7 year old started.  (Diana, in New Zealand)


A timely influence in my life

My dear mama passed away in April and it is such a comfort to have Renee teaching me, as the older women are commanded to do for the younger women.  It is refreshing!  So many women are not doing this today.  Renee is a jewel,  a rare find,  a comfort to my heart right now!   I found your materials one week before my mama died suddenly.  God knew I would need them.  I have referred you to several stay at home mamas.  The church needs to hear these things!
A grateful new friend, Elizabeth

Thanks for these wonderful little Kindle books for my iPad

I’ve had great success downloading to my Kindle app on my iPad.  Gratitude is overflowing for these wonderful little books.  I’ve been praying for a neighbor or some wise, godly lady who could help me be a better homeschool mom, helping provide a prospective more pleasing to God. I’m thrilled that I was led to you while searching for more of Ethel Barrett’s exciting bible stories for my boys.  I’m amazed at how many of my other concerns/needs you address in all of your books.  (Shelly, in Tucson)

Zoom-Type is the best typing course!

I LOVE your course.  I was homeschooling my boys and they flew through the course, learning to type well.  It is the BEST typing course I’ve ever seen.  (Connie, in California)

Thanks for the great customer service!

I am overwhelmed!  You have extended such warmth in your service that is not demonstrated here in Australia.  It has been an absolute pleasure!  (Mrs. Bereford, in Australia)

Why I appreciate Homeschool How-Tos

Your materials have helped me to find a simple way to actualize what I’ve always wanted to do with homeschooling.  Finding a way to simplify the way we achieve our overall goals has saved me from quitting homeschooling!  (Mrs. Horn, in Florida)

ACE is an answer to teacher burnout

I purchased your booklet on “Burnout” at the recent convention and easily recognized myself in your descriptions.  It was as though you had written it specifically to me.  My only regret was that i didn’t get to read it until this morning.  I wish I had seen the information about ACE so that I could have visited their booth at the convention.  At first, as I was reading about it, I felt resistance.  I thought that homeschooling meant actively teaching each part of each lesson to my children and being a part of the entire process.  But I can see that this year (this is our first year of homeschooling our 8 and 10 year olds) has produced chaos, frustration, a totally messy home and a burnt out Mom. 

I had been using [a unit study curriculum] along with [a literature based curriculum] and [a certain math program].  I have been feeling like a total failure, beating myself up for not being creative enough to teach it well.  The last few months of Homeschooling has been unschooling.  In desperation and in not wanting to send them back to school, I enrolled them in … a costly math and language arts program that has me running quite a distance twice a week.  But I rationalized that at least they’re getting “something”.  My guilt and sense of failure have been overwhelming. 

I had to admit that you were right.  I had to consider that letting the kids do the basic core work on their own would solve a multitude of problems.  I had to consider that I don’t have to feel guilty about letting them work independently.  On the other hand, guilt does enter in if I end up “unschooling”.  And I really don’t want to send them back to school.  They were attending a Christian School, but we had problems.  My 10 year old daughter was accelerated and very bored (and a little too social and worldly) and our 8 year old son was slipping between the cracks. They used [a mainstream Christian curriculum], which was boring to one of them and too challenging for the other.  In fact, in the case of my son, I spent this whole year just doing damage control, trying to convince him that he wasn’t “dumb” and that he really could do some schoolwork without getting frustrated and tense and having an emotional meltdown.  I think if nothing else, we have at least had some success in this area.  But my daughter did not get anything out of this last year.  I was unable to teach to her level because my son was so far behind and needed so much support.  I couldn’t even do Bible or character work very well, because they could see that my attitude and my demeanor was a contradiction to what I was trying to teach them!  My own witness was destroyed.

I also loved what you said at the seminar, although I didn’t understand at that moment.  You said that the day should look like this: active/passive; active/passive; active/passive.  I didn’t understand how that could work with the unit study curriculum that we’ve been trying to use.  But I certainly see how it could work with ACE.  And the unit studies that I thought would be so fun, still can be!  But as extracurricular studies and not core studies.  That would actually bring the fun back into them!  (Mrs. M., in Melbourne, Florida)

The Power of a Focused Mother is a special resource

The Power of a Focused Mother booklet is one of the best things I have ever read about mothering and homeschooling (and I read a lot!).  I am going to tell everyone I know about it, it is just too special of a resource to ignore.  It spoke very strongly to my heart ...in a very gentle, yet powerful way.  (Nancy Baetz)


The Zoom-Type typing tutor helped me land a new job after just a week of practice

The typing program came on time and I used it diligently to finish learning the keyboard. I passed the typing test and was offered the job!  (Dede Giesa, in Issaquah, Washington)

I love how you present the material

I love how you present the material.  It is straightforward and to the point.  It is something we are able to read quickly (without reading a whole book), enabling us to get back to the tasks at hand.  I feel convinced and encouraged even more to be the Godly wife and mother that God has called me to be.  (Mrs. Rodriguez, in Bloomfield, New Mexico)

You convinced me to start homeschooling

I attended the convention simply to listen to reasons why I might home school.  I thought “ok, convince me!”  If you can think of an argument that you’ve heard against home schooling, I can assure you I’ve voiced it.  I’ve never had any use for the concept, and for selfish reasons (I’ve discovered).  My husband has been praying for two years that I’d receive conviction in this matter.  He did not want to demand I do it, but if he did, of course I would have with no question.  He preferred to let God do the work.  I just want you to be encouraged by the fact that your seminars had the most profound impact on my attitude about home schooling, and my decision to do it.  By the time I left the conference, I was almost ready!  And now we have completed our second week of homeschooling ever.  It has gone very well.  The children have adjusted well, and they really love to have Mommy as their teacher.  Thank you for doing what you do.  (Danielle in Albuquerque)

Comments on homeschool workshops by Renee

  • I’d have to write a book on all the wonderful words of wisdom Renee gives.  You feel full (satisfied) with all the nuggets of info she gives, and always so Christ-centered in her speaking.
  • I always feel de-stressed when I go hear her workshops.
  • Each year Renee is one of my favorite speakers!  I hear things that I need to be reminded of.  Very encouraging—and fun too!
  • I enjoy Renee’s talks very much!  Her transparency is admirable.

(comments to the conference organizers, by moms who heard Renee speak at the CAPE-NM convention in Albuquerque)

Homeschool how-to booklets spur me on

Your booklets were easy to read and jewels of information that I needed, to spur me on to some practical and drastic change.  (Michelle James, in Texas)

Zoom-Type is working for my girl who is dyslexic and dysgraphic

I thoroughly enjoyed your presence at the conference.  I was so intrigued by your typing program that I took a leap of faith and finally ordered it.  In the beginning, I thought it was just “too good to be true.”  My daughter begins her third day and is thoroughly enjoying it!  She is impressed that she has actually memorized some of the keyboard.  Last night she said, “Can I type in Word to see if this really works?”  The blessing in it for us is that she is beginning 4th grade and is dyslexic and dysgraphic.  She is very bright, but writing is such a hindrance.  Everyone suggests typing for her, but if you can’t type well, it really can be just as slow and frustrating.  Thank you so much for your support.  I’m so thrilled with the typing program, now I’m saving for the piano course—for me!  (Laura Roberts in Florida)

They’re singing those Character Traits songs

My girls have listened to the Character Traits CD once so far and a few days later, my 6 yr. old is going around singing the count to 10/anger song!  Your materials are a treasure!  (Mrs. G., near Houston, Texas)

The Power of a Focused Mother is a powerhouse!

I continue to be transformed by your words of wisdom…clearly from Christ!  I continue my struggle against the strong pull to serve the Lord outside my home….yes, equally pulled to toss the TV (which we just did), read/cuddle/play with kids, make nice meals, be as joyful as I can, and be fervent about my vocation as a wife and mother (which I have spent many, many, many years avoiding and surviving instead of thriving.  I have always gleaned from your words.  (Mrs. S., in Littleton, Colorado)

A mom in Texas who heard Renee speak on this topic blogged about it and wrote:
I went to the Homeschool Book Fair. ... Can you believe it, The Power of a Focused Mother. Wow just what I needed. I was sure somehow the speaker, Renee Ellison, would show me what was going on. Little did I know God wanted me there and would end up showing me what was going wrong.  She opened with where is your focus, what is your perspective, what is your child’s perspective and then what hit me hard, would your child want you for a mom? I was sitting in a room full of people and God grabbed me and showed me it wasn’t all the external stuff that mattered, what I was feeling was my fault. I had lost my focus. I was the problem. I sat and listened, cried, prayed and allowed God to use the speaker to show me what was wrong and how to get back on track.