Chart of the Days of the Week in 160 Languages Throughout World History (e-Book)
A seven-page chart of the days of the week in 160 languages throughout world history. This chart, first published in 1886, is now available (only at the homeschoolhowtos.com website) in larger format, due to our digital enhancement of it. An archival scan of a brown original of this document is viewable online; the benefit of our version is its accessibility in page format, cleaned up. As a customer emailed us, "Your transcription appears to be the highest quality of a number of sources of this rare chart that I have seen from my searching the internet."
This item is in PDF file format, for you to print out at your own computer as an eBook, for free. Once you’re logged in, add this to your shopping cart, and then you can download this and any other eBooks you ordered.
These pages are included in the 106-page softcover book on the Biblical Holy Days vs. the Pagan Holidays.
If you prefer to order the hard copy pages, printed on 11x17" sheets (i.e., twice the size of the eBook pages or of the pages in the Biblical Holy Days book), you may select the printed version in the options on this page.