Quick Piano
Playing the piano can be easy—and free from stress! With the Quick Piano fast chord method, you can learn enough in one day to play chords up and down the keyboard. Teach yourself and your children how to play the piano at home. Now you can skip hiring an expensive piano tutor, and you won’t have to drive anywhere for lessons.
We have sold this piano lesson book at educational conventions nationally since 1992. Quick Piano is the world’s best method for learning how to play the piano—because it is the only course taught by pictures. Each of four piano-playing skills is mastered separately, using rapidly flashing pictures, powerful memory hooks, and nifty musical tricks until it becomes automatic. Because the total task is splintered into these easy smaller skills, the brain is never overwhelmed. You’ll learn to:
- Identify where all the notes live on the keyboard
- Play 24 major and minor chords
- Actually read music (both clefs—treble and bass) and
- Conquer basic rhythms
When the skills are finally put together, Presto!, you can play. You’ll sound like Beethoven to yourself, after your first lesson, using your first chord!
This piano course is unique in three ways:
- Spaced repetition: five-minute lessons, several times a day! Away with hour-long drudgery!
- Right brain: uses the picture side of the brain, not just the left side or just the tactile, as the Suzuki method does. Children learn to read music immediately with Quick Piano.
- Splintered skills: you learn each skill separately, then when you put them together all the brain has to do is jump the synapses between the already acquired skills.
Plus, a huge bonus, free, at no extra charge: this course includes 28 songs. This sheet music gives you the melody notes and the corresponding chords for the songs you’ll be able to play. That in itself more than pays for the cost of the whole book!
Includes an audio CD (additional copies or MP3 versions available) to talk you through the course (51 minutes; 35 tracks). You can play along with all of the songs in the book. See a sample of one of these songs, All through the Night (Old Welsh Air, written by Sir Harold Boulton, 1884) sheet music using the Quick Piano approach, as a free downloadable online file.
Don't have a way to play an audio CD? No problem. Choose the electronic audio files option, or email us right after you've placed your order for the Quick Piano book and CD, and ask us to send you the mp3 files instead. No extra charge. Instead of including the regular cda audio cd we'll send the 35 audio tracks/files to you via WeTransfer.com (the total file size of the audio is about 47MB).
You’ll have all this, for the price of one piano lesson. For more information, watch a YouTube video of Renee Ellison describing this approach to teaching piano.
What a deal: Save $14 when you buy both of our keyboarding courses (piano and typing) in the same order.
Instructional demonstration video: For just $2.99 you can select the option here for a downloadable 54-minute MP4 grainy vintage video produced in 1994. Watch Renée teaching the entire Quick Piano beginner’s program, demonstrated with a 3-year-old student. The point is, if a little tyke could do it, so can you.
See also these tips for buying your first piano.