Unleavened Bread...huh?

Unleavened Bread...huh?

Renee EllisonApr 2, '21
Ever notice the timing of WHEN Jesus (Yeshua) spoke His solemn warning to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees (Matthew 16:6 )? and, later, of the leaven of Herod? (Mark 8:15)  He proclaimed this in the midst of two of the biggest leaven-producing events in the entire history of the world ...in the midst of a "leaven phantasmagoria," producing thousands of loaves of bread with leaven to feed thousands of people!  Never was there such a bakery.  The juxtaposition of the miraculous event next to the alarming caution to get rid of the ugly leaven is not accidental.  Never could the spiritual message have been more obvious.
Taking over the whole lump (whatever the lump around you may be), infusing any "lump" God sets in front of you one way or the other, is serious business.  Leaven is a multiplying agency: either physical or metaphysical / moral thoughts / actions can be used for good or for ill.  Leaven is lethal stuff for ill, holy balm for good.  Whichever it is used for will increase exponentially for all time, and the effects will create a road to heaven or a road to hell.  Thus the week to observe getting rid of the ugly leaven...taking a fast from "sinful-leaven"...a rooting out of our "small  trajectory leaven" in the wrong direction is good for us.   
It is not the gun (leaven) that is ever the issue, it is the person USING the gun (leaven), and the direction it is pointed.  
To get a load of "Herod-leaven," re-read Matthew 14:1-12.  "tis a brand of mind- boggling leaven of intrigue and self-confliction.  Gun-powder.  Do we have any of Herod's powder in us?  
The Feast of Unleavened Bread (this week's weeklong event) shall prevail/be eaten in our midst, by His help, by His power, and by the eagerness of His people to tremblingly look at it.  "Let us to His bosom fly."  There as we increasingly leave off more of our darker side, we shall be soothed in His unfathomable love.

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