The problem with private elementary schools

The problem with private elementary schools

Renee EllisonSep 7, '22

Many parents are aware of public school issues and merely assume that a private school solution will be better.   Below is an eye-opener regarding that groundless assumption. 

Here are the problems with sending your child to a private school:

One:  Contrary to the illusion that private schooling will be an elite solution, parents generally don't send their well-behaved children there, they send their difficult children there.  So instead of encountering less of a social problem, there is actually a condensed, more intense social problem in a private school.

Two:  Private schools (all of them primarily a money-making venture), tout that the school has excellent curriculum or great teachers or low teacher/pupil ratios, but what is actually happening is that your children are hourly, daily being socially groomed by seeming "ordinary" (but actually rogue) children.  Most of them rogue?  Yes. The overwhelming majority of this current culture's children have been raised on hours and hours of media and have next to no appropriate social skills. 

In addition, private schools often tout the excellency (or the number and frequency) of their field trips, excursions that the parents traditionally have done to promote family bonding, not artificial school-replacement bonding.  To make the school the "replacement family" is no accident.  It is purposefully on their agenda, in order to raise more compliant children for society.

Three:  Transportation there and back is too time-consuming for what the schools deliver.  Far more schooling could get done more efficiently without the lost transportation time, time saved at home, with the use of any curriculum closely monitored by one-on-one tutoring at home.  And what could be done alternatively with the exorbitant expenses of such a school could alternatively provide a trip to Europe! or private tutors galore! or costly musical instruments of the finest quality!  Money far better spent.

Four:  Teaching goes on behind closed doors, which means unlimited possibility for pontification around the edges of "academics" and even through the altered/liberally tailored academics, about any issue.  Volumes of these "sermonettes" get delivered to your child (mainlined right into their brain without bypassing you as the parent) by an adult whom you did not "screen," specifically hire, vote for, or recommend, and of which you know virtually nothing about their personal lives or character.  You are not allowed to see/hear the extent of what amounts to subtle (and not so subtle) brainwashing of your extremely unaware/and undiscerning young, mentally vulnerable child, 6 to 8 hours a day.  You simply can't undo it via your own short bedtime discussions and stories. 

Five:  Often, recess time and playgrounds are not sufficiently supervised.  In some schools they are not supervised at all.  The result: an animal-like pecking order quickly assembles itself and bullies rule the day...making recess a terrifying experience for some children, let alone the playground  a free-for-all zone/territory for accidents that could have been avoided.

Six:  With the addition of government mandates and imposed protocols, that must be enforced in order to receive state and federal exemptions and or aid, now, in many schools, children are still being raised behind masks.  These masks on young children are lethal in their import, reducing the children's young lung capacity by such high levels that pediatricians are now seeing a huge uptick of respiratory issues in children.  Deformation of the lungs, in pursuit of seeming "academics," will result in ONGOING troublesome health of the child for YEARS to come.   It is possible to pay too much for our piper.

Homeschooling eliminates these problems. 

Some object to homeschooling's seemingly limited socialization.  Limited?  Socialization is at its zenith when all the members of a family grow in their ability to get-along 24/7.  Such training doesn't get any more thorough.

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