Tabernacle in your sukkah this week!

Tabernacle in your sukkah this week!

Renee EllisonOct 1, '23

This is the week when, all over the world, believers are celebrating the incarnation -- spending eight days delighting in being together as families and friends, grateful that Yeshua took on flesh and was born in that manger in Bethlehem.  Various types of temporary shelters are set up, in back yards, the balconies of apartments, whatever works.  Most of them have a way to look up into the sky.   Here's a song that is often sung during this Feast of Tabernacles:

[chorus:]  Sukkot, Sukkot, what will you show me?

Even after all those years your truth still abides.

 Sukkot, Sukkot, what will you show me?

Even in the desert, Yeshua provides.


We will build a little house of palms and wood.

We will stand beneath the roof as others stood.

We will see the stars as we know others saw them too.

When we celebrate the festival of booths.




For forty years the people wandered aimlessly

Because they did not follow God's law blamelessly.

Still He gave them food from heaven, water from the rock.

And for forty years beside them He did walk.


[For a brief introduction to all of the annual biblical holidays, read our book, Biblical Holy Days vs. Pagan Holidays.]

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