Benefits of including music in a child's education

Benefits of including music in a child's education

Renee EllisonFeb 24, '20
These are some quotes, from various sources:
  • Studying and playing music benefits the brain more than any other activity; listening to music can consummately enrapture the brain. 
  • The only proof I needed for the existence of God was music.  
  • Bach is so pure, so relentless, and incorruptible  like a fundamental principle of geometry. 
  • Music's principal task is to lead our thoughts to higher things, to elevate, even to make us tremble.  It takes hold of the most hidden crevices of the heart.  
  • When the inexpressible had to be expressed, Shakespeare laid down his pen and called for music.
  • Music wakes up the mystery of our silent life.  Most of the time we are able to give to others only peripheral improvisations.  
  • Music has a singular power to locate and express inner states and feelings.

To see what offers you regarding music especially the Quick Piano course and Johann Sebastian Bach — visit the music section of our website at

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