Teach Children Basic Bible Doctrine Using Pictures
This is a picture workbook: a child’s grip of biblical doctrine.
Children of yesteryear could answer 100 questions from the Westminster Catechism. Now yours can cover the same concepts and answer such questions as:
- What is the chief end of man?
- Define omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent.
- Tell how Christ functions as Prophet, Priest and King.
- What is the 9th commandment?
This is a picture workbook of the great themes and concepts of the Bible. 30 lessons, with reproducible question pages and accompanying answer pages; total of 112 pages. View the table of contents. No matter whether you purchase this in hard copy or for digital download, it includes The Gospel in Colors (how to teach the Good News using the wordless book of colored pages).
For elementary ages and up. We grant the buyer of this item permission to photocopy or print out extra pages for family or for classes.
This Child’s Grip of Biblical Doctrine is available as a bound softcover book and also in two digital formats.
If you want to avoid shipping expenses--and you have a way to print out over 100 pages, you can order this title in the standard PDF file format. Please be patient because the pdf data file is large (3.5 MB). If you have any difficulty with that download, please email us to ask us us to send you the file electronically over the Internet using WeTransfer.com (and have a lookout for the notification email, probably in your Junk folder, from noreply@wetransfer.com .
Have a Kindle reader, iPad, or the like? Order this title in the format that was specially formatted for self-study using the Kindle format. If you order the Kindle .PRC file and are unfamiliar with downloading files to read on your Kindle reader, please see our FAQs page for instructions.
A special bonus of purchasing this title in eBook format is that if you email us and ask, we will attach these 3 titles to an email back to you: The Gospel in Colors; How to Cultivate a Lasting Love of the Bible in Your Children; and A Simple Story of Israel.