Spell-Along course (audio and lists)
Spell-Along is your spelling-list-giver on demand!
Students: No more waiting for someone else to give you your spelling lists!
Teachers: No more tedious lists to dictate.
Being a good speller is a sign of being a well-educated person, whether in the educational setting or in the workplace. This 68-minute audio CD and the accompanying answer booklet teaches 360 spelling words that come up in everyday situations. Less frequently used words are not as important to learn how to spell as common words that are challenging.
Here’s how it works: Listen to the word, then write it down in the time allotted for you to do so. Then, check your spellings against the printed list. Each spelling list is on its own audio track, so when a student has conquered one list, he can go directly to the following list the next time, without having to listen through previous lists.
These 360 words can be mastered at each student's individual pace - anywhere from a month to several years, depending on how fast they want to fly through the lists! Students anywhere from 3rd to 12th grade will find these important words to master. The words range from “busy” to “descendant” to “chivalrous” and “indispensable”.
Spell-Along also teaches the technique of using and creating memory hooks for better retention without only rote memorization.
For 3rd through 12th grades—or for someone who is learning English as a second language.
Contents: 68-minute audio and the words lists, with tips for spelling some of the most misspelled words in the English language. Delivery options: audio CD and printed booklet in the mail, or the downloadable audio MP3 files and pdf of the lists.
Spell-Along is a great way to conquer spelling and not let it slip by day after day simply because the teacher doesn’t have time to administer word lists. Spelling can now be one less thing for teachers to have to think about! This course is also useful for a person who is learning English as a Second Language (ESL).