D. L. Moody: His life, as told by Ethel Barrett (audio CD)
Listen to the inspiring story of the eminent American evangelist of the late 19th century, as told by the most beloved Christian storyteller of the mid-20th century. D. L. Moody was known for bringing a million people to the saving knowledge of Christ. Audio CD, 42 minutes, on 6 tracks, in MP3 file format. Read a synopsis of Ethel Barrett’s biography of Moody, and a chronology of his life.
This rare recording of Ethel Barrett’s dramatic presentation about the life of evangelist Dwight L. Moody was recorded at Moody Bible Institute during Founder’s Week on April 4, 1967. Here is what Christian author Ray Stedman wrote about it:
“Many of us were challenged anew last night as Ethel Barrett related the story of D. L. Moody walking down a street in New York City and thinking about a sentence he had heard; `The world has yet to see what God can do with a man who is wholly yielded unto him.’ There came into his heart a great hunger, and he cried out, `O God, make me that man!’ He was so filled with a sense of the overwhelming love of God that he had to go to a friend’s house nearby and ask for the use of a room. He went into that room and for an hour or more was caught up by this purifying passion. That was not a single experience; that was but a manifestation of passion that entered Moody’s heart when he became converted and which broke out from time to time with tremendous power to cleanse the evils of his life and to move him toward a unifying purpose, a relentless drive to a single goal.” (Source: Ray Stedman, “The Birthday of the Church,” published in the series, Where the Action Is, by Discovery Publishing, a ministry of Peninsula Bible Church, February 15, 1970, online at http://www.pbc.org/library/files/html/0412.html)
Dwight Lyman Moody was born and died in Northfield, Massachusetts, 1837-1899. He was the father of three children Emma (1864), William “Willie” Revell (1869 – who wrote his authorized biography, which was the source of this picture, and through whose eyes Ethel Barrett tells this story), and Paul Dwight (1879). His education consisted of attending a rural one-room schoolhouse for a few years in the 1840s. In 1856 he moved to Chicago and worked as a shoe salesman. Two years later he began a Sunday school for poor children in Chicago which became the Illinois Street Church (now Moody Church). In 1860 he quit his job and entered by faith into unpaid full-time Christian work. During the Civil War he was busy with evangelistic and humanitarian work among soldiers. From 1865 until his death he held huge evangelistic meetings throughout the U.S. and in Great Britain with Ira Sankey. In addition, Moody was involved in the development of Northfield Seminary (now Northfield School for Girls), Mount Hermon Massachusetts School for Boys, the Chicago Evangelization Society (now Moody Bible Institute) and other ministries. (Bio source: Billy Graham Center Archives, Wheaton, Ill.)
At our low price, you can order multiple copies, for every family you know, for grandchildren, nieces, nephews, etc. They are all in for an unforgettable, inspiring experience. You can’t find this combination of such a life and such a storyteller anywhere else!
Known as “The Story Lady,” Ethel Barrett was one of the most inspirational, popular, and talented Christian personalities in America of the mid-twentieth century. She had an exceptional ability to write and dramatize stories. We also offer three audio CDs of Ethel Barrett telling faith-building stories for children.