The Power of a Focused Mother
There is much to distract a mother “nobly” these days. When she's preoccupied, her children are the silent losers. These losses are deep and irretrievable. In this eBook we name them and expose where they lead. Then, by showing you how and where to raise your conviction and sharpen your aim, your children will end up a cut above the pack. The outcome of focused motherhood is huge and blessed. You can spot the difference in those children a mile off. For moms. 13-page e-Book. Read the table of contents.
This item is a PDF eBook or formatted for reading on a cell phone, tablet or Kindle Reader (your choice of .epub or .kpf). Better yet, order our book of Teachers’ Secrets and Motherhood Savvy—it includes all of the content of this booklet, and a whole lot more.
This title is also available as an e-Book option here in AI translations into Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, German, French and Dutch. Titles are as follows:
Spanish; En español: El poder de una madre enfocada
Portuguese (Brazilian); em português: O poder de uma mãe focada
German; Auf Deutsch: Die Kraft einer fokussierten Mutter
French; En français: Le pouvoir d'une mère concentrée
Dutch; In het Nederlands: De kracht van een gefocuste moeder