12 Amazing Brain Triggers
12 Amazing Brain Triggers has consistently been Homeschool How-Tos' most popular workshop at homeschool conventions nationwide. Jaw-dropping techniques to hot-wire the brain with any subject matter. The fastest route and shortest distance to mastery of new information. Hear Renee's one-minute encouragement to you and her blurb about these 12 ways to trigger a child's brain. We get reviews of “Wow!” and “Superb!” from seminar attendees on this one. Teaching tools you’ll use every day from here on out. Read the table of contents.
For anyone who teaches, here is a 36-page e-Book (in English and several other languages) illustrated by Theanna Sparrow (Christian Mother Goose artist). Also formatted for reading on a cell phone, tablet or Kindle Reader (your choice of .epub or .kpf). Also available in audio; another option is the downloadable MP4 video file from a live conference recording. For even more, order the book of Teachers’ Secrets and Motherhood Savvy, which is available in print and as a Kindle file, and includes all of the content of this booklet, and a whole lot more—and is also available from this site in Kindle format.
This e-Book is also available in an AI translation into these other languages:
Spanish: 12 formas de activar el cerebro con cualquier tema
French: 12 déclencheurs cérébraux étonnants pour maîtriser facilement n'importe quel sujet
Brazilian Portuguese: 12 gatilhos cerebrais incríveis para dominar facilmente qualquer assunto
A reader’s comment:
Mrs. Webb of New Jersey wrote: “If you teach, read this! As a trained teacher, formally of high school English fame (lol), I first thought, “Nah, I don’t need that.” But I peeked (on her website) at the table of contents and decided to check it out. I am so glad that I did. This little book is chock full of well explained and clearly presented ways to help children remember what they learn - and to master new things, too. There were quite a few ideas in here that gave a me a good “A-ha!” moment. So even with my teacher training and experience, I found much to be gained from this e-Book. If you teach - at home, at a school, at church, at Sunday school…check this out. It’s worth it!”