Lost Treasures from Historical Men of Great Character (e-Book)
Notes from two large old turn-of-the-century volumes on character. Principles about how men and women made their youth count for the rest of their lives, minimizing waste of time, money, and energy. These books are lost treasures. Glean the gold for yourself from the solid way people used to think. With these notes, you’re in for a treat. 27 pages in a downloadable e-Book. Read the selective table of contents.
More about these two books:
(1) Half-Hour Talks on Character Building by Self-made Men and Women; A stimulating volume for men and women in every walk of life; A practical book for every member of the family. J. S. Kirtley, editor. A. Hamming, 1910. This book is full of statements regarding vital principles of conduct given to young men starting out in life at the turn of the century, nearly a hundred years ago.
(2) Gaining Favor with God and Man, by William Thayer. Republished by Mantle Ministries. (To order this book, try to contact Mantle Ministries, formerly (at least) at 228 Still Ridge, Bulverde, TX 78163; Phone 1-830-438-3777; Website http://www.mantleministries.com; Email: mantleministries@cs.com)
This item is an eBook in PDF file format, for you to print out at your own computer. Want to read it in a book? This is Chapter 2 of Savvy Teens.