Conquering Self-induced Stress (e-Book)
Insights and tips on conquering self-induced stress. Learn how to overcome addiction to your own adrenaline. Break the hurry syndrome. Identify signs of adrenaline addiction; problems of adrenaline stress; how to change; and some compensating strategies for gaining control over high-stress habits. Also includes gems about goal setting and time management drawn from scores of books on highly effective people, and tips on no stress holidays for moms (how to do them with finesse and without fatigue). Gets you on top of your circumstances rather than under them. Just one of these powerful ideas could catapult your influence and productivity far above what they are at present. For youth through adults. 20 pages. Read the table of contents.
This item is in electronic format, for you to print out at your own computer as an eBook. Have a Kindle reader? It is also available formatted for the Kindle or as a regular eBook.
A reader’s review:
Amy Webb of New Jersey wrote that “This was great - get ready for some introspection! I felt that some of it didn’t apply to me as I tend to enjoy staying put at home with my kids - BUT this e-book still had a lot that got me thinking. Even though I am not an adrenaline junkie, I do sometimes take on more than I should.
What I loved the most in this book was the section on no-stress holidays and the info on goal setting & time management. I got a lot out of her discussion of evaluating your week, and I keep giggling about the image of my pencil being my scepter. The most influential item for me was, as usual, an Ellison zinger: “taking something on” should be more rightly termed “trading off” (my paraphrase). I just keep thinking about it, and I have had the opportunity to share it with several friends lately as we discussed our schedules and lives and areas of ministry. This book is useful for anyone with a busy life, who struggles with “trading off” too much. Worth what it costs, for sure!”