Chucking College (Kindle version)

Many young ladies are finding that college is devastating their faith, fidelity, and finances.

But what higher education is better than college? Is it even possible to attain success without a college degree?

Chucking College is a book that breaks implied boundaries, cultural stereotypes and ivory-tower strongholds of thought that have until now been untouchable. Refreshingly daring conclusions reveal how to become successful without the corruption of the college environment. Discover how to respond positively to negative comments and pressure from those who insist college is the only way to success.

Learn how to skip college and design your own higher educational experience through practical steps, such as:

• Launching entrepreneurial ventures

Tailoring your own advanced education

Developing skills through specialized apprenticeships

Discovering your ideal vocation and finding creative ways to pursue it without a degree

Read Chucking College: Achieving Success Without Corruption to discover how skipping college may be the best educational decision you ever make.

268 pages, softcover, ISBN 0988283557

This is available only in Kindle format from this store.  If you wish to order it in print, you will find it sold inexpensively online at Amazon, used at, and elsewhere,


Melanie Ellison has done homeschool grads (and, truly, all high school students) a great favor by pulling together research, analysis of modern educational trends, and personal stories from the battlefront of ‘higher’ education. If you’re standing at the fork in the road wondering which way to go, grab a copy of Chucking College today. Or if you’re a parent who isn't sure what alternatives are out there to the (expensive) brick-and-mortar option, please read this book.”

—Jennie Chancey, founder of Ladies Against Feminism and coauthor of Passionate Housewives Desperate for God

While I am a profound advocate of ‘higher education’ let it be known that I am a profound advocate of higher education. What is presently being offered by America’s colleges and universities majoring in ‘party’ or ‘marijuana day’ is not even ‘lower education.’ And these ‘educational’ institutions fostering warmed-over atheism, relativism, and evolutionism are propaganda mills and not related to any definition of ‘higher education.’ Therefore, what Miss Ellison is seeking to do with Chucking College is well worth reading and her Appendix B entitled ‘College Dropouts Hall of Fame’ is worth the price of the book.”

—David A. Noebel, former president of Summit Ministries

There are 100 reasons to reconsider the college paradigm. Melanie Ellison is ahead of the curve with her new book Chucking College. The paradigm is shifting fast. It is high time to examine how the average college situation today fails to provide mentorship, practical know-how, market preparedness, a proper biblical worldview, and spiritual and life maturity for young men and women.”

—Kevin Swanson, Generations Radio host