- These riddles are from 1,001 Riddles for Children, compiled and illustrated by George L. Carlson and published in 1949 by The Platt & Munk Co. Inc. in New York.
What should a preacher preach about?
- About half an hour.
What kind of men go to heaven?
- Dead men
When did Moses sleep with five in a bed?
- When he slept with his forefathers.
How did Jonah feel when the whale swallowed him?
- Down in the mouth.
What are the two smallest things mentioned in the Bible?
- The widow's mite and the wicked flee.
What man in the Bible was the busiest doctor?
- Job...he had more patients than any man.
Who was older David or Goliath?
- David, because he rocked Goliath to sleep.
Who was the straightest man in the Bible?
- Joseph, because he was made into a ruler.
Why couldn't they play cards on the ark?
- Because Noah sat on the deck.
When was pork first introduced into the Navy?
- When Noah brought Ham onto the ark.
Why didn't the last dove return to the ark?
- Because he had sufficient grounds for remaining.
How long did Cain hate his brother?
- As long as he was Abel.
What time of day was Adam created?
- Just a little before Eve.
Where did Noah strike the first nail on the ark?
- On the head.
When were there only two vowels? [And, for extra credit, what were those two?]
- In the days of No-"A" (Noah), before "U" and "I" were born.
When was tennis mentioned in the Bible?
- When Joseph served in Pharaoh's court.
When did Adam start limping and his helpmate aid him?
- When Eve presented him with a little Cain.
What sentence did Adam use when he introduced himself to Eve--a sentence that reads the same backwards and forwards?
- "Madam, I'm Adam."
- For more humor for families, see our 33-page eBook of Clean Humor for Family Road Trips.