Who was the MOST disappointed when the prodigal son returned home?
- The fatted calf!
On a tour through the Garden of Eden, older brother speaking to younger brother:
- "That's where your mother ate us out of house and home."
Eve, jealous of Adam's long absence through the day.
Eve: Is there another woman in your life?
Adam (lifting his shirt): "Count my ribs!"
The doctor who delivered Abram's baby had a lisp. When asked "is it a girl? He answered "No, Ishmael."
How does Moses like his coffee? Hebrews it.
What kind of tiles are in the Father's many mansions? Gentiles
Jesus, when entering a restaurant: "Table for 26 please."
Possible candidates for the shortest man in the Bible:
- Nehemiah (knee-high-myah)
- Bildad the Shuhite (Bildad the shoe-height)
- The Apostle Peter, who slept on his watch
After Jesus (Yeshua) was born, a song was written about His mother: "Mary had a little lamb."
Jesus is divine and we are de-branches.
Church disputes are settled with canons.
How did Delilah get into Samson's house? She picked his locks.
Who was the most business savvy-woman in the Bible? Pharaoh's daughter. She went down to the Bank of the Nile and drew out a little profit.
When Paul lost his eye-sight, it was appalling.