Your chance to learn from Renee Ellison and 20 other world-class speakers this week!

Your chance to learn from Renee Ellison and 20 other world-class speakers this week!

Renee EllisonOct 12, '20

We're embarking on a one-week adventure (all this week, October 12-16, 2020) that will help families around the world who are seeking to raise their children to be disciples of Christ--parents who know God and seek His Kingdom above everything. It's a challenge to keep our eyes on this, with other things clamoring for our attention every way we turn (even from within our own homeschool rooms). When we keep our eyes on Him, it impacts eternity. 

Join us on this family-focused adventure. The Homeschool Upgrade Summit is a free, online event packed full with 20+ sessions where our hosts interview top speakers to learn how to climb past the distractions of worldly success and UPGRADE our vision, relationships, academics, and success — to a life of victory and joy through family discipleship.

It's all happening right now — and it's free for just this week.  It includes a vendor hall, and we have HomeschoolHowTos deals and freebies for you at our virtual exhibit hall booth on that page once you've done the quick, easy and free online registration for the conference.

Renee's video-interview is Tuesday October 13 at 1 pm Mountain Time.  The title is Just Starting to Homeschool? Spiritual, Social, Academic, and Personal Advantages.

CHEC and Generations are putting on this event with one end in mind: that we might be challenged and equipped to raise our children so that in our families — as in everything — Christ might have the preeminence. Join us and make this a reality in your family's life.

Perhaps this kind of conference is unfamiliar to you. You've bought and used Renee's Zoom-Type program or Quick Piano but weren't aware of this further aspect of her work. Maybe you're aware of the millions of people who have turned to homeschooling this year during the coronavirus--you may be one of them yourself--but you didn't know about this deeper motivation of many who have been schooling at home for decades, even for multiple generations. If so, this invitation is for you, too: what better way to observe men and women who have been showing, by their words and actions, love, wisdom, and purpose that have long-term positive effects.

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