Zoom-Type shortcut and cost-saving sale!

Zoom-Type shortcut and cost-saving sale!

Renee EllisonMar 27, '24

This is for anyone out there who is wondering how to do our Zoom-Type course even quicker and easier.  I'm currently using the program with some young children in a large family and they are now ready to type words.  It is amazing how fast they learned it.  We have seen this good success with scores of children over and over through 30 years.

And we have some good news for you.  You don't have to use the CD (or digital audio files) with their musical finger march AT ALL to still get great results.  If you prefer, set the audio aside and only use the bound volume (as I did with these two children to get the job done even faster this week).  The music part was designed to use with very young, primary age children, but most any older child (through adult) can just look at the picture of the finger shape on each page and understand which finger to use...presto.  Many adults use this program and never use the audio supplement.  

Just set the fingers of both hands on the paper on page 10 and start typing on the top row of that page of the book.  Say "pinkie, pinkie, F, J" and then turn to page 12 (the A-2 “card” page) and repeat "pinkie, pinkie, F, J" -- this time from memory.  Continue on through all of the A "cards" and then after a few days type the B cards (those are the center row of those same pages), and a few days later proceed to doing the C cards, which are on the bottom third of those  pages.  You get the point.  The progress chart near the start of the book is your guide to it (just ignore the audio checklists).

Continue this way to page 108.  Do not type any of the words or poems that are on those pages until you reach the end of the course and all the lists in the back of the book have been typed.

You do not transition to an actual real keyboard until the very end of the book.

May this additional info simplify and help you to fly through Zoom-Type with great success.  If you've not yet bought the book, you can currently buy it at our homeschoolhowtos.com site on sale for only $15.80 plus Media Mail postage.  And, if you have any questions re: the course, know that we're just an email away.

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