Re-think college

Re-think college

Renee EllisonJan 27, '25
Here are my thoughts on college, after observing literally hundreds of families and their various choices for over three decades (i.e., we saw the results later with their grown children).

College is a trip through Babylon.  Many (or most) young adults who go there loose three things that all start with "F": they lose their faith, their fidelity and their finances.  Throw in a couple of mandatory body-altering vaccines and the thing is a royal mess.  A young man we know emerged from Occidental (in southern California) with his first "divorce" (i.e. lived with the gal for several college years and then had an enormous fight).  Why do colleges insist that the students live in a dorm their first year, supposedly to grow their MINDS, giving them a MENTAL education?  Because it is NOT a mental education anymore, if it ever was.  The devil wants their morals/their body, too...not content to brainwash their minds.

When St. Augustine was finally converted in his 30's through ardent prayers over decades from his mother, he described that his CLASSICAL education (Homer, Socrates, Aristotle, etc.) was a total waste.  The apostle Paul called his Hebrew education NOTHING in compared to Christ.  And Charles and John Wesley (after being warned by their mother about pagan education) found it utterly rank...even back THEN...and started the Methodist movement to rescue some students out of it, while they were in it. 

Colleges were originally founded as a place to collect great professors and books in one location for a western civilization exposure.  But now all information can be found somewhere else, internet, world class libraries through inter-library loan, etc.  There is no need for the brick and mortar super structures built REALLY only to acquire vast real estate, build wealth for the administration and provide sports for the alumni.  And everyone now knows that is true from the lock-downs where students shifted to  learn online.  It was a real -eye opener for THINKING people to observe:  hey, this CAN be acquired some other way.  A close friend of ours got his masters from Harvard, but got it from home.

The money spent on the education could now far better be used buying a young married couple's first home and then diligently and aggressively paying it off and living mortgage free the rest of their lives.  Instead of remaining in debt until "death do they part" via $200,000 school loans and $500,000 mortgages.  God never intended His children to live this way -- under debt bondage forever. 

Co-ed dorms, which nearly all of them now are, are lethal.  Even if you are pure, your roommate is sleeping with someone in the other bed.  It is a vacation straight to Main St. in the heart of Sodom and Gomorrah paid for by the parents (and now also by all taxpayers).  Students are surrounded daily by stuff you would never allow in your own home, EVER.  The drug traffic and drug smoking up and down the halls is commonplace, as are the lesbian professors and token transvestites now found in the restrooms from somewhere in the dorms, Christian schools INCLUDED.
All the above and much more is documented in the book, Chucking College.  Read the reviews and buy the 280-page book on Amazon, or order it at as a downloadable Kindle version e-Book.  The book is full of success stories (full testimonies) of those who cobbled together an education some other way and are now VERY wealthy and extremely successful in their multiple endeavors, to say nothing of staying in the Kingdom of God and augmenting His glory on the earth.     

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