Me? Keep the Sabbath?
Want to get off of the treadmill? Discover how the Heavenly Father provided a full day of rejuvenating spiritual rest for man, and how it was lost in history. Scriptural and historical evidence for a much-needed and forgotten gift. Not having grown up observing the Sabbath, this was a revelation to us. Includes a section on Sabbath activities for families with young children. Also includes a 7-page chart of the days of the week in 160 languages throughout world history. (The 1896 chart is also available as a separate downloadable file.)
For young adults and adults. 25 pages. Read the table of contents.
Format options for this item include Kindle (your choice of .epub or .kpf formats for reading on a cell phone, tablet or Kindle Reader), and as a free PDF e-Book for you to read and/or print out at your own computer.
All of this content is included in the 106-page softcover book on the Biblical Holy Days vs. the Pagan Holidays.
This e-Book is also available in an AI translation into these 4 other languages:
French: Me? Observer le sabbat ? Une apologétique pour l'observance du sabbat du septième jour (33 pages)
German: Ich? Den Sabbat halten? Eine Apologetik für die Einhaltung des Siebenten-Tags-Sabbats (35 pp.)
Dutch: Mij? De sabbat houden? Een verontschuldiging voor het houden van de sabbat op zaterdag (34 pp.)
Spanish: ¿Me? ¿Guardar el día de reposo? (33 pp.)