Teach yourself how to type in 5 days instead of wasting all year on it.
Zoom-Type is a revolutionary breakthrough in teaching touch-typing FAST by using the right brain. Hundreds of quick snapshots and a musical finger march get you seeing, saying, and tapping the correct keys with the correct fingers in just 5 days! (5 minutes, 5 times a day). Good for ages 4 to 94. Totally portable—no computer necessary. This is the only right-brain typing course on the market. The difference in the sheer speed of the results we get is head-spinning. You and your children will speed-type while others with other programs are still just getting the book open! Even the computer programs designed to teach typing are still in the dark ages. The brain learns best by pictures. Order the Zoom-Type course to drive it into the autonomic nervous system.
We have sold this typing lesson book at educational conventions nationally since 1992. Renee describes the Zoom-Type program on YouTube. For just 29 cents you can select the option here for a downloadable 15-minute MP4 video of grainy vintage demos of young children touch-typing this way 30 years ago, when we called it Snapshot Typing. The point is, if they could do it, so can you!
This typing course is unique in three ways:
(1) Spaced repetition—five-minute lessons, several times a day! Away with hour-long drudgery! Rapid-fire quick imprints of the autonomic nervous system gets the job done.
(2) Right brain—uses the picture side of the brain, not just the left side as other typing methods do. With Zoom-Type, children subconsciously learn where the letters LIVE not just what they ARE.
(3) Splintered skills—you learn each skill separately, in small increments, then when you put them together all the brain has to do is jump the synapses between the already acquired mini-skills. The brain is tricked into thinking the whole task is super EASY.
To learn more about it, you could order the Kindle eBook (neither that item nor the duplicate copy of the audio CD that comes with the $29.95 course book is enough for you to know how to learn how to type with this method).
Want to get started, for free? Jump-start your zoom-typing by watching this short recent YouTube video that teaches you how to learn the geography of the keys in under 15 minutes.
Wondering which of our options to choose?
An explanation of the optional use of color on the practice keyboard in the book:
Want a deal? Save $ when you buy both of our keyboarding courses (typing and piano) in the same online order.
Many free online typing tests and online typing games are available. We don’t intend to try to improve on them; what we’ve focused on is an improved basic method for learning how to type. We are happy to introduce you to our competition, because we are convinced our typing program is the best. The difference between any of these typing programs and Zoom-Type is the right brain approach—now you see it, now you don’t—and also that you learn to type away from the keyboard before moving to the keyboard to get your speed faster. Check out these online typing tests and games. If you find that your typing speed is too slow, buy Zoom-Type to retrain your fingers quickly!
User comments:
Shawn in British Columbia wrote, “I am impressed several years later how well my daughters learned to keyboard as a result of learning Zoom-Type.”
Linda in Norfolk, Virginia wrote , “I was homeschooled growing up and learned typing using your program. It is a great story - my brother and I both learned to type using it our freshman year of high school. My brother was adamant about not having to do the course, because he was such a prolific hunt and peck-er. But it was definitely worth it, and we both, of course, learned to type perfectly without looking at the screen. (And yes, he admitted later it was a great thing to do .) Two of my other siblings have used it as well, and my youngest brother is pressing my mom to use it with him this next year (he is nine).
User questions:
Lodewijk LangewegI wrote: “I taught myself decades ago the old way from a McGraw-Hill course on a mechanical typewriter. For a time I typed using 10 fingers without looking at the keyboard. But then doubt sneaked in and I began peaking where I put my fingers. Since then I have kept looking part of the time. Now I wonder whether I could unlearn this bad habit by replacing utilizing Zoom Typing. What do you think?”
Answer: YES…using the Zoom-Type method will undo your bad fingering. You just have to do all of the practice at the back of the book…it depends upon YOU. Also, for an extra boost you could cover the letters of your real computer keyboard with white dots so there’s no benefit from looking!
Lance asked, "Does the student need someone to flip the pages of the book for them, or can they use the book independently?" Answer: Students of most any age can turn the pages in the book by themselves. It's easier to turn the pages in the spiral-bound version (only sold on our homeschoolhowtos.com site) than in the glue-bound version (which is the only version we sell on Amazon). Most people choose the spiral-bound book, for the easy of flipping the papers faster.