Marriage worketh subtleties

Marriage worketh subtleties

Renee EllisonAug 23, '20

All of us would like to make relational headway with a mature, straight forward conversation and be done with it—on EVERY issue.  But, sigh ... human beings are not so easily encountered, nor changed.  Each spouse comes upon every issue with a long history of habits, perspectives and coping strategies very unlike our own.    Marriage is the place where we grow up a second time—at far deeper levels—in far more complex ways.  Managing our emotions, thoughts, and responses to a human being very unlike ourselves is where we learn the intricacies and delicacies of love.  When looked back upon over decades, we'll see that we are not the same people.  God is making of us something far better.  Something we'll even agree with ... eventually 🙂 !      

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