Boys and girls and sex

Boys and girls and sex

Renee EllisonJun 20, '21

It is no wonder that we are now placing our young girls in combat in the military, as they have been “fighting” our own young men for years now. Where? In sex. Our culture’s young girls (younger, and younger, by the way) have been let loose amidst a pack of lusty, physically uncontrollable boys, with no protection from their fathers and no moral restraints from their boyfriends.

Our society’s abandoned daughters want to belong; they want to have a boyfriend who “loves” only them; they want to be approved, since, for the great majority of them, it didn’t happen at home, so they swiftly learn that they gain it all by giving in to a boy’s coercion. One seldom hears of a girl pressuring a guy for sex. Initially, unmarried girls largely have sex against their will in order to “belong”. They may try to raise feeble, confused objections but are overwhelmed by the steady aggressions of a guy.

Let’s face it: many men today, whether young and old, are not on the side of guiding, protecting and honoring our females, sexually. Yet we blame our girls for getting into “fixes” or embarrassingly showing up at school pregnant. They are “bad girls” but the boys acquire no corresponding stigma. No restraint was expected. They used any means and any narrative possible to coerce and to accomplish date rape.

In today’s world, all restraints are off from our boys; they are simply not the gentlemen adolescent boys used to be. Instead of logging in years of skill development and accomplishments in their young emerging years (corralling that physical urge into productive ends) today’s boys have used their youth to feed upon lust in their bedrooms via video games and pornography.

Our girls are not blameless, but they do tend to be brainwashed. At the same time our girls have been feeding upon magazines (their editors hell-bent on brainwashing our frail young girls to let go), packed with ways to make themselves physically alluring. Young girls emerge from these browsings, thoroughly exposed in how to deck themselves out with the clothing of prostitutes, believing it to be the norm.

Just like we used to protect our unborn babies (now we sell their body parts), we used to protect our girls, too, not only from romance novels but from non-domestic geography. The entire Victorian Era was set up to protect its young (all of them in every age, immature), girls. Boys met them in the parlor of their father’s home and conducted their discourse there.

Currently, on the other hand, teenage sex takes place outside of a home that has parents in it. Both parents are working. Gone. Not only is there no parlor, the young are strolling the school parking lots, the streets and malls and alleys, and there is no protective father anywhere within sight. (Traditionally, fathers have understood the wiring of their sons and have taught them how to bridle it in heroic work—and fathers have understood the wiring of their daughters, that they needed fatherly protection until marriage). Now, however, girls are there for the grabbing, after school, in parks, in the backseats of cars, at parties where parents AREN’T—and most of all in co-ed dorms where there is 24/7 availability and anonymity.

Without a father’s protection, young girls are thrown into confusion, and are in danger of coercion by sexually aggressive boys. Why? Because their anatomy was built that way. Forgetting this, we charge our young girls with pregnancy and guilt. It is all your fault that you got in trouble—while the boy rushes out and lays the next girl. The boys drop off the girls they have laid, at the abortion clinics, too, and speed off to go watch football while she has it “done”.

What is the difficulty here? Why the suggestion that we lay more charge at the feet of our culture’s males, both fathers and boyfriends, young and old? Because our girls’ anatomy and psyche were not designed for combat, or to resist. Consider how in marriage, a young woman was created to respond to her husband’s sexual initiations and desires, by yielding to them. This is how the human race propagates itself through the creation of families. When she is hugged, her control goes out the window, on purpose. She was designed by God (even in her anatomy) to be a responder. To let go. So when you put that psyche and that anatomy amidst a herd of unbridled boys you are going to have skyrocketing fornication statistics. The numbers are currently appalling. Decades ago, high school fornication was at 25%, then it grew to 50%, now it revs at 85% (with no apparent difference between Christians and non-Christian youth). The governor is OFF—there is no restraint going on here. The damage (in STD’s and in children born out of wedlock into lifelong poverty and shame for the start of the next generation) in every direction is incalculable.

Fathers, come weep at this. Come home. Wake up. Sparta, Athens and Rome were initially all built up by controlled, directed men. They correspondingly all later fell when the men became obsessed with self-indulgence. We are there again—like dogs without leashes.

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