Ethel Barrett CD #3 of Stories for Children: Blister, and Other Stories of Trust and Obedience
Memorable stories to train young children to trust and obey.
Treat your family to an unusual listening experience–resurrected in digital form (with occasional audio distortions) from much-loved LP recordings produced a half century ago. Renée, along with many adults today, has warm memories of hearing these as a young child.
Known as “The Story Lady,” Ethel Barrett (1913-1998) “was a prolific Christian writer, speaker, and storyteller, whose popularity peaked between the early 1950s and the mid-1980s. She sold millions of copies of over 40 different books for publishers like Zondervan, Gospel Light and Regal Books. The latter printed and sold more than 4 million copies of her work. She also recorded over 30 audio recordings distributed on records and tapes.”
A decade after Barrett’s death the Christian Storytelling Convention of 2007 honored her with “the Great Christian Storyteller Award for the last 100 years.” (Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethel_Barrett)
10 stories on one audio CD (nearly 78 minutes), available digitally only at www.homeschoolhowtos.com
+ Track 1: Joe and God: Passover Week as seen through the eyes of a little boy (14.25 minutes) (listen to this one now)
Click here to open and hear the free audio file of the story of Joe and God, as told by Ethel Barrett. (It's a straight link from the description on the store page == not something we send you. You don't put this one into in your cart or log in to hear it. ) It will give your young child (and your family) a view of the events of Passover Week as seen through the eyes of a little boy. It is a free download, not for resale or re-use for commercial purposes.
+ Track 2: Blister: The story of a stubborn lamb who found his way the hard way (from John 10) (5.75 minutes)
+ Track 3: The man who believed God: The adventures of an old man who took God at His word (a true story) (6.5 minutes)
+ Track 4: The prayer that reached the sky: A true missionary story about a missionary pilot (6.25 minutes)
+ Track 5: Justice plus: The story of a boy who pretended to be sick so he could stay home from school; and it worked—better than he planned! (6.5 minutes)
+ Track 6: Buzz the bee: The story of a little bee with big ideas that got him into a lot of trouble (6.5 minutes)
+ Track 7: Bobblywinks (Part 1): I’m too little (7.5 minutes)
+ Track 8: Bobblywinks (Part 2): I’m too big (7 minutes)
+ Track 9: Bobblywinks and Sue: The garden that wouldn’t hurry (10 minutes)
+ Track 10: Bobblywinks and Sue: You’re not supposed to (7.25 minutes)