How Not to Waste Your Youth (e-Book)
How to get focused early on the right things so that, like Benjamin Franklin, your total life can count for much more. How to plan your life for progress and not spend years merely doing figure 8’s with your time and your money. An early vital boost for your children’s financial, social and spiritual lives. For junior high and high school ages. 8 pages. Read the table of contents.
This item is available as an e-Book. Or, order it formatted for your Kindle reader if you have one. Want to read it in print? This is Chapter 1 of the book, Savvy Teens.
This title is also available as an e-Book option here in AI translations into Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, German, French and Dutch. Titles are as follows:
Spanish; En español: Cómo no desperdiciar tu juventud
Portuguese (Brazilian); em português: Como não desperdiçar sua juventude
German; Auf Deutsch: Wie du deine Jugend nicht verschwendest
French; En français: Comment ne pas gâcher votre jeunesse
Dutch; In het Nederlands: Hoe je je jeugd niet verspilt
For a hearty additional read (in English) that you can download for free from the Web, open this PDF file: Thoughts for Young Men, a Christian classic written by John Charles Ryle (1816-1900). Mr. J. C. Ryle, who became Bishop of Liverpool in 1880, was a minister of the gospel within the Church of England. He attained international prominence as a godly man who wrote and preached on practical and spiritual themes. That 40-page item is one of nearly 800 writings from previous times, made available by Chapel Library (click here for the full list of titles) as a ministry of Mount Zion Bible Church in Pensacola, Florida (no connection with Homeschool How-Tos).