The Biblical Headcovering: Scarf of hidden power

Biblical, historical and practical examination of a neglected and blessed aspect of Christian practice.  Written from the woman’s perspective, for women.  This is available as a 56-page PDF e-Book, or formatted for reading on a cell phone, tablet or Kindle Reader (your choice of .epub or .kpf), or a beautifully bound 84-page softcover book.  Read the table of contents.

This item's availability in PDF file eBook format includes a version that uses only the Authorized Version/ King James Version (KJV), another version that uses only New King James Version verses [this and the Spanish version are the most recently updated, with current hyperlinks) or using a variety of Scripture translations, for you to print out at your own computer as a free eBook.

Now also available in Spanish as a 59-page e-Book.  Ahora también disponible en español como libro electrónico de 59 páginas: El Velo Bíblico:  Bufanda de Poder Escondido.  Un examen bíblico, histórico y práctico de un aspecto descuidado de la práctica cristiana.