Ethel Barrett Tells Bible Stories (CD #1)
Treat your young family to an unforgettable listening experience – resurrected in digital form from LP recordings produced a half century ago. Listening to these stories on a Victrola when Renee was a kindergartner is what ignited in her a lifetime love of the Word of God.
Known as “The Story Lady,” Ethel Barrett had an exceptional ability to write and dramatize stories based on the Bible. She was one of the most inspirational, popular, and talented Christian personalities in America of the mid-twentieth century. With great imagination, enthusiasm and versatility she wrote and acted every story, creating her own sound effects and speaking all of the different parts. Her rendition of Joshua and the Fall of Jericho (not on this CD) won the National Association of Religious Broadcasters’ award for the best religious program. Her remarkable career as a radio actress began in New York at age 16, and continued through a lifetime of sharing her skill of telling Bible stories around the country, and (through the power of Christian radio) around the world.
What a deal! Buy a bunch while you’re at it—they’re only $5.99. Folks are ordering at least 2 at a time, to give to children, grandchildren, and friends. They make great gifts. For elementary ages. Audio CD. 76 minutes. Renée still remembers listening to these memorable Bible stories (on vinyl LP records) as a little girl in the 1950s. This is the first of three audio CDs of Ethel Barrett telling stories; many people are buying all three.
12 stories on one audio CD (76 minutes):
+ Track 1: Once upon a time there was a world (the story of Creation) (6.5 minutes)
+ Track 2: The man who didn’t have a funeral (Moses) (6.25 minutes)
+ Track 3: The boy who was a prophet (Samuel) (6.25 minutes)
+ Track 4: The wisest wish (Solomon) (6.5 minutes)
+ Track 5: The little girl with a big job (Naaman being cured of leprosy) (6.5 minutes)
+ Track 6: The boy who was a king (Joash) (6 minutes)
+ Track 7: The man who ran away from God (Jonah) (6.5 minutes)
+ Track 8: Gregory the grub (salvation) (7 minutes)
+ Track 9: Quacky and Wacky (salvation) (6.5 minutes)
+ Track 10: Let’s suppose (7 minutes)
+ Track 11: Wishes (6 minutes)
+ Track 12: A true story (music lessons of Russell Conwell) (5.5 minutes)
“Hearts are warmed and thrilled as this delightful lady creates and brings to life the characters of her stories with spirit-filled vitality and meaning. She leaves an everlasting impression with her listeners.” (from a record jacket of Ethel Barrett’s stories)
A customer wrote: “Thank you so much for making these stories available on CD. I will be 55 in November and used to listen to them endlessly when I was a child. I have some of them memorized verbatim. I loaned my little album out years ago and sadly it disappeared.
My parents bought the hi-fi and the leather cabinet and I remember it was quite an expense for them at the time but my mother insisted. I can still smell the newness of the records. We did not have t.v. I feel much of my personality and character was formed listening to those stories (not to mention my story telling skills, imagination and language skills in general).
I am so glad nothing was added or subtracted from the original. As a side note I had to laugh when I listed to “Let’s Suppose” because I was expecting to hear the effects of the scratch on my record. “ordinary girl, ordinary girl, ordinary girl, ordinary girl…” [Cairn Horst]