Quotes on loving the study of the scripture

Quotes on loving the study of the scripture

Renee EllisonApr 27, '22

For those who LOVE the study of scripture--for whom it has long since passed from duty to delight--and for inspiring your children to become students of the Word of God, here are some quotes from Sir Robert Anderson (1841-1918).  He was an investigator with Scotland Yard who applied his professional investigative skills to the study of the Bible.


The study of the Bible is surely fit to excite enthusiastic interest, and to command the exercise of every talent which can be brought to bear upon it.

All of scripture is of intrinsic value if indeed it be from God Himself; moreover, a phrase that may at one time seem of no importance, may prove to be a link in the chain of fuller truth on which we are depending for eternal life.

Skeptics may boast of learned professors and even of Doctors of Divinity in liberal institutions, but name a single one of them who knows anything whatever of the deeper mysteries of God.

The student of the Bible who can read between the lines will find there mapped out, sometimes in clear bold outline, sometimes dimly, but yet always discernable by the patient and devout inquirer, the great scheme of God's counsels and working in and for this world of ours from eternity to eternity.

The Bible is the progressive revelation that God has vouchsafed to man.  The well instructed believer will find within it... inexhaustible stores of proof that it IS from God.

True Biblical study is an inquiry into unsearchable counsels, those deep riches of Divine wisdom and knowledge.  Beneath the light of such study, the Scriptures are no longer a heterogeneous compilation of a religious Hebrew book, but one harmonious whole, from which no part could be omitted without destroying the completeness of the revelation.

The power of the Scriptures to change us, depends upon the presence and operation of God upon it.

The crisis of the crucifixion, which seemed the utmost catastrophe of everything the old prophets had foretold of God's purposes for earth, opened up a wider and more glorious purpose STILL ... (the offering of the gift of salvation to the Gentiles, too!)   St. Paul said, in contemplation of this wonder, "Oh the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God.  How unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out" (Romans 11:33).


For more on this topic, get our 99-cent eBook or Kindle book on How to Cultivate a Lasting Love of the Bible in Your Children.  It's also a chapter in our new big book on Launching Your Homeschool.

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