It is all in the salad dressing

It is all in the salad dressing

Renee EllisonJul 12, '20

Coat each leaf, (by mixin’ mixin’ mixin’) and make the coating DELICIOUS and the salad will happily slip right down the throats of all your children. More GREENS mean fewer GHASTLY visits to the doctor’s office.

Use half of an orange, half of a lemon, 1/4 T olive oil, some dried cilantro, a pinch of cayenne pepper, and Celtic salt. Add water to your mixture if your salad is huge and you need to stretch the dressing a bit. Slather it on gobs of tossed greens (include one cup of young spinach leaves), sliced cucumber and celery. Then dump a can or two of salmon on top! Presto, a quick nutritious, mostly raw lunch. (Especially quick if your greens were prewashed from the store—or, even better, just picked in your own garden or greenhouse.  See our free eBook for how to build your own little greenhouse.)

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