College isn’t the only job path

College isn’t the only job path

Todd EllisonJul 14, '20

The administrative branch of the federal government has recently been promoting something we homeschoolers have been touting for years: skills, character, training and experience can be much more indicative of career preparedness than diplomasMoney is not the only resource that has been vastly depreciated by the catastrophic unfoldings of 2020; credential inflation is being recognized for the cheapened value that it is.

Recently, "President Trump signed an executive order directing federal agencies to fill job vacancies based on merit, rather than require a minimum level of education for candidates seeking open positions,” Preston Cooper reported in Forbes.  Credential inflation shuts out experienced, qualified job candidates who are perfectly capable of filling certain roles simply because they lack the right piece of paper . . . Most perniciously, it convinces young jobseekers that they need a bachelor’s degree or even a graduate degree to succeed.”

Also: “In a new bid to kickstart the economy and steer younger Americans to good jobs that don’t require a $120,000 college degree, the Ad Council, Apple, the White House and other sponsors today are unveiling a new campaign urging potential job-seekers to ‘find something new,’” Paul Bedard wrote in the Washington Examiner.  “Jobs are changing—and the Covid-19 has accelerated the pace,” says Ivanka Trump, who is co-chair of the White House’s American Workforce Policy Advisory Board.

Two products available from are especially helpful in this regard: the Zoom-Type course, and the Chucking College book (Kindle, too) by Melanie Ellison.

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