October 12-16 of 2020 is the free Homeschool Upgrade Summit. More than 14,500 families worldwide registered, even before it even began.
Your chance to learn from Renee Ellison and 20 other world-class speakers this week!
Renee EllisonOct 12, '20
Listen to Renee share about homeschooling and her heart in the matter
Homeschoolhowtos AdminDec 14, '19
Listen to Renee Ellison explain why she produced these Homeschool How-Tos. Also, a lively discussion of many topics of interest to homeschoolers.
Online convenient email counseling available
Homeschoolhowtos AdminAug 4, '19
Ever wished you could have a caring, listening ear when you just needed to vent frustration? Wish you could get some strategic steps for solid paths out of your personal jungle? Wish for MORE academic know-how than you currently have? Need shortcuts of all types—domestic and academic? Have chronic relational...