Stand for the unborn

Stand for the unborn

Renee EllisonJan 9, '22

March for Life, the nation's pro-life remembrance day, is coming up on Friday the 21st. [Photo: human fetus at 14 weeks after fertilization in the womb]

More babies will be slaughtered today, and even more tomorrow.  Even though we pride ourselves on living in a civilized nation, we are as barbaric in this regard as the pagans who slaughtered their children for the pagan god Molech.  We are still passing our nation's children through the fire.  Even the societies on the other side of the Atlantic are astounded at the degree and extent of abortion being allowed, nay, being promoted, within the United States today.

The habit of making rationalizations is all about supplying reasons for what our spirit knows is wrong to do.  As a result of our insistence upon rationalizations, we have become a nation that swims in irrationalities.  We are so messed up in our logic that we have convinced ourselves that abortion—killing babies—is actually a good thing to do.  Why, then, do girls come out of Planned Parenthood, looking pale and sober, if this is so good?  Where is all that supposed joy?  I've not seen any of them leave the act with a smile on their face.  They mistakenly believed that death would produce life for them—or at least freedoms.  Instead, they traded their babies for life-time emotional baggage and subsequent haunting hours they never dreamed of.

When has slaughter (in these magnitudes of numbers, let alone one) ever been a good thing?  Pharaoh slaughtered the young on the birthing stool.  Herod enlarged his slaughtering to include 2-year olds and younger.  This was not a good thing, historically, nor is it now.  There was weeping and wailing, then.  There is grief, heartache, relentless guilt and shame, now.

When we tamper with God's divine order and creation we unwittingly create horrific unbalances.  Over the past several decades China has slaughtered their baby girls.  Look, now, at the imbalance it has created.  How is this a good thing?  Now they have millions of frustrated men who can't find wives, channeling their testosterone into joining the ranks of the military.  What does a nation do with several million unmarried men?  Do we not see the formation of Revelation's army, perhaps?  The testosterone will be used somewhere.

When we abort our nation's babies, we defeat even our own selfish ends.  When Satan kills the baby, he takes with it all the full-blown fruit of what that person would have contributed to our own welfare and happiness as a nation.  All the things that that person would have invented or discovered or contributed are now gone from us—these potentials by the millions benefit us not at all, die with the fetus.  Even our tax base gets destroyed, so that now the elderly outnumber the young and the shrinking emerging work force cannot sustain us.  These are alarming dynamics.  We encounter economic fiasco by destroying the needed ranks of the next generation.  We do not even reproduce ourselves, and so we as a people shrink.

How is it a good thing for an ob-gyn doctor to slaughter a baby in one room and rush to the aid of saving a baby of the same age in the next room?  Huh?  What are we thinking?  Getting a college education, without an unwanted pregnancy, has become an idol to us—an idol worth murdering for.  We must complete the degree, but not the child?  Huh?  What has happened to us?

In the last analysis, the problem is not a childbirth problem; it is an unbridled irresponsible sex problem.  We refuse to take the moral high ground in this debate and admit that we are working on the wrong end of the problem.  Abstinence from sex outside of marriage always was and always will be the only real solution to this problem.  A child belongs with committed parents.  A child is ultimately an emerging adult and needs a context in which to become as refined as possible for a chance at life, liberty and happiness—the same chance his mother had.


So, what tools can you use in this raging debate to help restore sanity on this topic, when caught in our nation's debate about the unborn child?

Learn to supply rational reasons from Scripture and hard science, whenever you encounter this topic with individuals.  Here are some of the best arguments you can share.

Since the debate hinges entirely upon whether or not the fetus is fully human, ask your opponent to name the hour the baby becomes a human.  Let him (or her) pick the hour.  Then once he has planted his pole on that issue, according to his own whims, ask him: “What then was the baby five minutes before?  Also, what scientific chemical upset happened at that moment he chose to ascribe human qualities to, to make it so?  Is this cataclysmic collusion of supposed chemical activity verifiable under a microscope?

Next, ask your opponent what other animal or anything in all of nature changes its chromosome structure to shift from one thing to another at any time in all of its development?  You can't name one.  A baby fetus sports 23 chromosomes—22 sets are the same for masculinity and femininity—the 23rd set determines the sex of the child.  When did (or do) those chromosomes change from the moment of conception onwards?  The answer?  Never!

SLED is acronym for your final strong debate points.  Nothing else is allowed life, i.e. spared from death, merely because of its Size, Level of development, Environmental changes (living on the outside of the womb as a premie) and Degree of dependency.  These are simply non-issues when it comes to whether a thing should live or not live.  (For a detailed explanation of this acronym that was coined years ago by Stephen Schwarz, see this web page; much more is on the website.)

The hour of our rationalizations has ended.  Judgment is leveled at us.  It is (and will continue to be) severe and irreversible.  Labor to withhold the scalpel in all of your discussions on the point.  Rescue the perishing.

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